Presser Ferreira Story
The Ferreira Presser Wedding
Talk to Steve and Cynthia
Presser Ferreira Wedding
The Wedding O Casamento

The Wedding | The Wedding Party | Registry

Best Man
College Friend
Groomsmen (Padrinhos)
Twin Brother
Childhood Friend
High School Friend
College Friend
College Friend
College Friend
San Diego Friend

Grant and Steve

Grant "Grubsteak" Hale

Grant Hale aka "G" aka "Sack Master" aka "Grubsteak" and I became best friends at DePauw University. Often confused for a total meathead, Grant is an incredibly dedicated person who recently spent two years in Africa with the Peace Corp and one year in Afghanistan working in a bulletproof vest with local government officials. He finally came to his senses and recently accepted a safe job with Cummins in Indiana.

Grant has always been blatantly honest about everything to a fault which is why we get along so well. There are countless stories that the two of us share traveling and doing incredibly stupid/fun things. We are also the founders of two sports: "Furniture Toss" and the beach football game, "Dumb." Many of you reading this know the latter game. For those who don't, you can expect to watch some "dumb" being played at Moon Palace.

Grant has been out of the country for a long time and it's nice to know that he's back in the states where we can easily visit. In June, 2008 Grant married Amy Baker Hale, a welcome addition to the legendary Hale family. We hope to see the rest of the Hale family- Joe Cool, Mama Ghale, Button, Rachelle, Ryder, and Kat- in Cancun.

Grant Hale e eu nos tornamos grandes amigos quando estudamos na DePauw University. Muitas vezes tomado por um cara grosseirao, Grant e uma pessoa incrivelmente dedicada que recentemente passou dois anos na Africa e um ano no Afeganistao trabalhando com oficiais do governo numa missao para reestabelecer a paz na regiao. Ele e uma pessoa extremamente honesta a respeito de tudo o que nos fez tornar tao amigos. Em junho de 2008 ele se casou com a Amy Baker Hale, tornando a familia Hale ainda maior. Nos esperamos poder ver toda a familia no casamento.

O Casamento | Padrinhos e Madrinhas | Lista de Presentes

Maid of Honor
Madrinhas (Bridesmaids)
Amiga de Infância
Irmã do Noivo

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Gabriela Barata

Eu e Gabi nos conhecemos há 8 anos, logo depois que eu me mudei para San Diego. A amizade só cresceu com o tempo e nós nos tornamos grandes amigas! Ela se mudou para Chicago há alguns meses atrás e eu morro de saudades dela!

Gabi e eu  já tentamos fazer todas as dietas de todas as revistas que existem nas bancas : dieta da proteína, dieta de South Beach, dieta do café, dieta da limonada, dieta do macarronada, dieta do burrito... Sempre a gente começa, nunca a gente termina... Mas a nossa dieta favorita é a dieta de queijos e vinhos! Uma maravilha! A única dieta que conseguimos seguir à risca por anos a fio!

Gabi, voce é como uma irma para mim e contigo ainda vou tomar muito vinho e comer muito queijo! Tim-tim!

Gabi and I met 8 years ago right after I moved to San Diego from Brazil. Our friendship became very strong as time went by! She just moved to Chicago a few months ago and I really miss her!

Gabi and I were able to try together every single diet found in every single fitness magazine possible: the low-carb diet, the South Beach diet, the coffee diet, the lemonade diet, the pasta diet, the burrito diet… We always started it, we never finished it… But our favorite diet, the only diet we have been able to follow through for years is the cheese and wine diet! The best diet ever!

Gabi, you are like a sister to me and together we’ll keep drinking a lot of wine, eating a lot of cheese, and laughing all the way through it! Cheers!

Moon Palace Cancun

Rich "Casper" Presser

Rich Presser aka "Casper" and I spent endless hours growing up playing sports and doing virtually everything together. My lovely mom dressed us the same until we were in middle school. Now I just borrow his clothes when I visit Indiana.

Rich is the only Presser who can’t tan. Add his reserved personality to the tanning mix and we’re the two most opposite twins you’ve ever met. Rich doesn't talk and I can't shut up. Rich stays focused and doesn't move around too much. I can't sit still or stay focused on anything.

Rich, like Grant, is blatantly honest but unlike Grant, is much quieter and does have a filter. He’s hilarious when he does talk and knows most of my friends well from visiting me so much at DePauw University.

Rich has a dental practice in Fort Wayne, IN and is married to Marcia Yoder Presser.

Meu irmao gemeo Rich Presser e eu passamos anos e anos de nossas vidas praticando esportes e fazendo absolutamente tudo juntos! Ele e o unico membro da familia Presser que nao consegue ficar bronzeado, entao nos o apelidamos de Gasparzinho (Casper em ingles). O Rich e uma pessoa super honesta, exatamente como o Grant, mas ele e muito mais quieto e, ao contrario do Grant, ele tem um filtro na lingua. Ele se tornou uma pessoa mais engracada ao passar dos anos e conhece muito bem muitos dos meus amigos pois ele sempre is me visitar quando eu estava estudando na DePauw University. Ele e dentista em Fort Wayne, no estado de Indiana, e e casado com a Marcia Yoder Presser.

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Karen Ferreira

Minha querida irma mais velha sempre me protegia de tudo! Ela tem um coraçao enorme e sempre quer o bem de todos os que estao à sua volta! Nós moramos juntas por mais de 20 anos e ela é muito especial para mim! Sem contar que ela me deu a minha sobrinha Melissa – Chérie – a sobrinha mais incrível do planeta!

Agora a coisa que eu mais gostava era usar as roupas dela, principalmente quando eu conseguia pegar emprestado sem pedir! Que delícia! Parece que a roupa até caía melhor no corpo! Até que um dia eu peguei emprestada uma blusa de seda e resolví passar antes de colocar de volta no lugar... Que desastre! Nesse episódio eu aprendí que seda derrete dependendo da temperatura do ferro-de-passar. Muito educativo!

Agora nós moramos há milhares de kilometros de distancia uma da outra e a saudade é muito forte! Mas é muito bom relembrar aqueles momentos maravilhosos que vivemos e sempre que nos reencontramos é uma festa!

My dear older sister always protected me from everything! She has an enormous heart and she always wants the best to everyone who is around her. We lived together for more then 20 years and she is really especial to me! Also she gave me my niece Melissa – Chérie – the most incredible niece in the planet!

Now my favorite thing to do was to borrow my sister’s clothes, especially without asking her! So good! I had the sensation that the clothes would look even better on my body if she didn’t know about it… Well some day I took a silk shirt without asking but I decided to press it before putting it back in the closet. What a disaster! In this episode I learned that silk melts depending on how hot the iron is! Very educative!

Now we live thousands of miles away from each other and we miss each other a lot! But every time we see each other it’s a reason to celebrate!

Moon Palace Cancun

John "Fatty" Presser

John Presser aka "Fatty" is a younger, hairy version of me. We’ve traveled everywhere together and have more stories than Hollywood. We met up with each other numerous times while I was in Savannah, GA and he was in Richmond, VA. Most of his friends probably know me from the legendary Pig Roast visits.

While John was still at University of Richmond, I told him one year that going abroad was the one thing I missed doing in college and promised that I would quit what I was doing and join him anywhere in the world. He called me later that year and said, “We’re going to Australia.”

I left grad school and traveled with John to Australia. That trip lead to spring break in Bali, Indonesia, and then New Zealand, Fiji, and eventually San Diego where we lived together for over five years. Our travels have since continued to Canada, Lake Havasu, Big Bear, Vegas, New York, Amsterdam, Germany, Prague, Italy, and countless other places. I have no doubt that our travels will continue.

Our stories of trains in Europe and spaghetti sandwiches in Australia, coupled with Cynthia's picture, won us the grand prize on worth $500, 4 nights hotel, and 4 round trip tickets to anywhere in the US. We just barely survived the recent trip to Nantucket Island and Boston.

John recently left for Connecticut and has since met up with me in numerous cities. He is the one person I can count on to travel anywhere and be more of a jack@#$ than me.

O John Presser sou eu em uma versao mais nova e mais peluda. Nos viajamos por todos os lugares e temos muitas historias a contar. Nos sempre nos encontravamos quando eu estava estudando em Savannah, no estado da Georgia, e ele estava estudando em Richmond, no estado da Virginia. Um belo dia eu falei para ele que estudar fora era uma das coisas que eucainda gostaria de fazer. Naquele mesmo ano ele me ligou dizendo "Nos vamos estudar na Australia". Da Australia nos fomos para Bali, Indonesia, Fiji, Nova Zelandia e depois San Diego, onde nos moramos juntos por cinco anos. Recentemente ele se mudou para Connecticut, mas a gente sempre da um jeito de se encontrar! Ele e a pessoa que eu posso contar para viajar para qualquer lugar.

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Heloíse Ribas Peixoto

Eu e a Helo nos conhecemos desde a sexta série, quando estudávamos juntas no colégio Sion em Curitiba. Com a Helo viví momentos preciosos da minha vida desde a infancia! A nossa amizade sobreviveu e se fortaleceu através dos anos, mesmo quando fomos cursar faculdades diferentes. Nós temos tantas coisas em comum! Até mesmo o fato de ambas termos decidido morar em outro país nos torna parecidas... Dois meses depois que eu me mudei para San Diego a Helo se mudou para Miami... Ela também nunca mais voltou e ela também esta noiva de uma americano! Coisas da vida...

A Helo é um exemplo de ser humano, uma pessoa linda por dentro e por fora que ajuda o próximo e tem muita fé.

Helo, ter alguém como voce na minha vida é um prilégio!

Helo and I are friends since sixth grade, with her I lived precious moments of my life since my childhood! Our friendship became stronger through the years even when we went to different colleges. We have so much in common! Even the fact that we both decided to move to a foreign country make us similar… After two months that I was living in San Diego, Helo moved to Miami… She never moved back home either and she is also engaged to an American!

Helo is an example of human being she is a beautiful person inside and outside who is always helping other people. She has faith!

Helo, it’s a privilege to have you in my life!

Moon Palace Cancun

Phil "Noop" Presser

Phil Presser aka "Noop" aka "Prince" is the youngest, and now most reserved, of the Presser boys. He was a crazy, hilarious person in college and I spent years traveling the country to watch him play soccer for Indiana University. There was never a dull moment after the games with Phil, Drew, Noonan, Mack, and Chorvat in college. When Rich left Indiana University I was glad to see Phil enter the campus so I could extend my Little Five visits another four years. Thankfully, I still have Marcus out here on the West Coast to relive the crazy times at the Hilton parties.

We all played soccer in high school but have to bow down to Phil when it comes to the sport. He played professional indoor soccer for a couple years and has since moved on to coaching at his alma mater. Phil lives under the radar in Bloomington with his wife, Kristal, and will soon have a baby girl in September.

Phil Presser e o mais novo e agora o mais reservado dos Presser. Ele era maluco, engracadissimo durante a faculdade e eu passei anos viajando atraves do pais para assisti-lo jogar futebol pela Indiana University. Era sempre diversao garantida quando o time do Phil, Drew, Noonan, Mack e Chorvat entravam em campo. Agora ele mora em Bloominton com a sua esposa, Kristal, e eles esperam uma menina que deve nascer em Setembro.

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Gabriela Petrini

A Gabi é uma pessoa que pode parecer reservada, meio “na dela” à primeira vista… Mas logo ela vai se abrindo e de repente ela se revela uma pessoa muito divertida, amiga e engraçada!

A Gabi entrou na minha vida aos pouquinhos e de “apenas” amigas, nós nos tornamos grandes amigas! A vida nos separou, mas nos reuniu com muito mais força, definitivamente!

A Gabi é uma mulher forte, determinada, inteligente, sempre disposta a ajudar e a te ouvir por horas a fio! Ela também faz parte do grupo que segue à risca a dieta de queijos e vinho, mas com ela so entra vinho branco ou champagne... Uma maravilha!

Gabi can be a little bit reserved at first... But she opens up slowly and all of a sudden she comes out as a very fun, friendly and funny person!

She came into my life little by little and from “just” friends we became great friends! Life separated us for a while, but latter reunited us with much more strength definitely!

Gabi is a strong, intelligent, determined woman who is always ready to help you and can listen to you for hours! She also follows the cheese and wine diet, but only if it is white wine or champagne… Wonderful!

Moon Palace Cancun

John Pasalich

When he wasn’t grounded, John Pasalich was rarely seen without Jim Cowan and I growing up. We had a blast in high school and need to get together more often. There were few that were able to see the transition from chubby John, to nerdy John, to grounded John, to party John, to Dr. John Pasalich but Rich, Jim, and I witnessed it all.

I will never forget the summer that we went to Bensons every weekend and eventually introduced John to his wife, Liz. To this day, he still owes us for looking so bad in front of her that John actually looked good.

John played in every sport with Rich and I, and is often confused as family. Most people in Fort Wayne still don’t know the difference between a Pasalich and a Presser. John’s brother, Jason, was my pledge father in college, and our families are best friends.

When John isn’t practicing medicine in Fort Wayne, he is busy helping Liz raise their herd of children- Eli, Jonah, and Gabriel.

Quando John nao estava de castigo ele geralmente era visto comigo, com o Rich e com o Jim Cowan. Nos nos divertimos muito durante a High School e precisamos nos encontrar mais vezes. John praticava todos os esportes que os Presser praticavam e muitas vezes achavam que ele tambem era um dos irmaos. Muita gente em Fort Wayne ainda nao sabe distinguir um Presser de um Pasalich. O irmao do John, Jason, estudou comigo na faculdade e as nossas familias sao muito proximas. Quando John nao esta atendendo em eu consultorio medico em Fort Wayne, ele esta ajudando a sua esposa Liz a cuidar de seus tres filhos - Eli, Jonah e Gabriel.

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Silvana Whelan

A Silvana – ou Changa – é uma amiga muito especial! Sempre de alto astral, sempre rindo...A Sil nunca reclama de nada! Se voce nao está tendo um dia bom, ligue para ela, pois ela vai dar um jeito de te animar, de te botar para cima!
Assim como eu, a Sil adora fazer umas comprinhas no shopping! Que delícia! Juntas a gente já rodou todos os shoppings de San Diego... Adoramos bater perna!

Sil, voce é uma compania maravilhosa e uma amiga que quero ter ao meu lado para o resto da minha vida!

Silvana – aka Changa – is a very especial friend! She is always in a good mood, always laughing… Sil never complaints about anything! If you are not having a good day just give her a call because she’ll find a way to cheer you up!
Just like me, she loves to shop! So fun! Together we’ve been to every single mall in San Diego… We love fashion!

Sil you are a great friend that I want to have around forever!

Moon Palace Cancun

Juan "Areolas Negras" Calderon

Juan Calderon aka "Juuuuuan" aka "Areolas Negras" is my Puerto Rican brother from another mother. He’s lived with both my dad and my mom and taught me everything I know about playing basketball and how to bow down to me when it came to rebounding.

Like Kiley, we were a couple years apart but have always remained close. Also like Kiley, Juan has visited me almost every year in San Diego- often with his friend, Cue-Ballious.

He’s full of energy, hilarious, and is a genuinely close, reliable friend. Juan and John Pasalich are always the first two people I call when I go back to Fort Wayne. He and Ashley just had a son, Zachary. To find Juan at the wedding just listen for the human fog horn.

Juan Calderon e o meu irmao porto-riquenho. Ele morou com os meus pais e ele me ensinou a jogar a basquete. Assim como Kiley, Juan eu tinhamos dois anos de diferenca de idade, mas sempre mantivemos contato. Tambem assim como Kiley, Juan vinha me visitar quase todos os anos em San Diego. Ele e cheio de energia, engracado e um amigo verdadeiro. O Juan e o John Pasalich sao sempre as duas primeiras pessoas que eu ligo quando eu volto para Fort Wayne. Ele e Ashley acabaram de ter um filho chamado Zachary.

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Adriana Tomazelli

A minha querida amiga Adri foi a maior responsável pela minha história com o Steve! Afinal de contas foi através dela que a gente se conheceu!

A Adri é uma amiga mais do que especial que sempre está pronta para te ouvir e te ajudar nos momentos mais difíceis...
Super divertida, juntas nós rimos até ter dor de barriga!

Bicha, voce é uma amiga que eu guardo no lado esquerdo do peito!

My dear friend Adri is responsible for my history with Steve! After all she was the one who introduced us!

She is a very especial friend who is always ready to listen to you and to help you at your hardest moments…

She is so fun! When we are together all we do is to laugh!
Bicha, your are my BFF!

Moon Palace Cancun

Jimmy "Kim Sung" LaBarbara

Jimmy LaBarbara aka "Jimothy" aka "Bomb Squad" aka "Kim Sung" is the funniest kid I’ve ever met. It was hard to separate Jimmy, Grant and I in college and during the summer I would drive every weekend to meet them in Cincinnati (when we weren’t going to Columbus to visit Secrest or St. Joseph, Michigan to visit Burch.)

Jimmy and I lived together senior year first semester and have taken numerous road trips across the country. He also comes with a group of legendary friends in Gibbs, Bevis, Friesner, and my personal favorite, Steve Yeager.

I will never forget the first time Cynthia met Jimmy at Secrest's wedding. She walked up to him and started laughing before he even said anything. She turned to me and said, "That has to be Jeemy, right?" I've never met a person who didn't love Jimothy.

I look forward to seeing him make bitter beer faces at the pool bar. He is married to Amy and has a son, James Labarbara IV.

Jimmy Labarbara e o cara mais engracado que eu ja conheci. Era dificil separar Jimmy, Grant e eu quando estudavamos na faculdade durante as ferias de verao. Eu viajava todo o final de semana ate Cincinnati (ou a gente ia para Columbus para visitar Secrest). Jimmy e eu moramos juntos no primeiro semestre e viajamos juntos para muitos lugares. Eu mal posso esperar para ver o Jimmy no bar da piscina... Ele e casado com a Amy e tem um filho chamado James Labarbara IV.

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Anna DuCharme

No momento em que eu conhecí a Anna eu sabia que ela se tornaria muito mais do que somente uma cunhada, ela se tornaria uma verdadeira amiga.

Divertida, alegre, altíssimo astral, com ela eu posso conversar por horas sem ver o tempo passar. Eu adoraria que ela morasse mais perto e que a gente pudesse se ver com mais frequencia...

Anna, voce é muito mais que uma cunhada voce é uma verdadeira amiga!

At the moment I met Anna I knew that she would be much more then a sister-in-law, she would be true friend.

Fun, hilarious, she is always in a good mood! I can talk to her for hours without paying attention to the time… I wish we lived closer so we could see each other more often.

Anna, your are much more then a sister-in-law and becoming a Presser is even more fun because of you!

Moon Palace Cancun

Damon "Chauncey" Johnson

Damon Johnson aka "D. J." aka "Chauncey" is my Greek computer geek brother from another mother. He introduced me to computer graphics at DePauw University and his father was responsible for giving me two internships that would ultimately lead to my career choices.

Damon is the only guy I know that is sensitive to a fault yet still holds the bragging rights of being a double black belt in karate.

Chances are that Damon will be playing guitar around the pool at the wedding and giving his best shot at Dave Matthews or Jack Johnson.

He, and his family, are great friends to have. Cynthia and I love hanging out with Damon and his wife, Nancy and we're bummed that they left nearby Scottsdale.

Damon met Cynthia for the first time in San Diego and after a few minutes turned to me and said, “You better marry this girl. What are you waiting for?” Obviously, I took his advice. A few days later when I told him about the proposal he said, “It’s about time!” Damon and Nancy just had a son, Connor.

Damon Johnson e o meu irmao grego. Foi ele quem meu apresentou ao mundo da computacao grafica na DePauw University e o pai dele foi quem me deu dois estagios que mais tarde infuenciaram muito a minha carreira. Com certeza Damon vai tocar violao em volta da piscina durante o casamento, tentando dar uma de Dave Matthews ou Jack Johnson. Ele e um verdadeiro amigo e eu e a Cynthia adoramos a compania dele e da esposa dele, Nancy. O Damon conheceu a Cynthia plea primeira vez em San Diego e apos alguns minutos de conversa virou para mim e disse, "Voce tem que casar com ela. O que voce ta esperando?". Com certeza eu segui o conselho. Meses depois quando eu liguei para ele para contar que eu tinha pedido a mao dela, ele respondeu "Tava na hora!". Damon e Nancy acabaram de ter um filho, Connor.

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Roberta Rogers

A Roberta – ou Poncha – é uma comédia! Engraçadíssima, todo programa com ela é muito mais divertido! O único problema da Poncha é que ela nao gosta de atender o celular, ao ponto de que quando ela retorna a minha ligaçao de 3 dias atrás ela me ouve contando “apareceu a margarida, olé, olé, olé”...

Ro, voce uma amiga querida e quando estamos juntas é diversao na certa!

Roberta – aka Poncha – is hilarious! She is so fun and funny that she makes every party more entertaining! Her only problem is that she doesn’t like to answer her cell phone which makes kind of hard to bring her to the party! Most likely she’ll return your call only after 3 tries and only after 3 days.

Ro, you are a dear friend and when we hang out it’s always so much fun!

Moon Palace Cancun

Dan "D. Kiles" Kiley

Dan Kiley aka D. Kiles was my Beta Theta Pi pledge son at DePauw University. Even though we were three school years apart and only had the opportunity to hang out for a year in college, we immediately hit it off and remain incredibly close to this day.

Outside of my brother, John, Dan is probably more like me than anyone else I know. We have the same sense of humor, love for life, and willingness to go anywhere or try anything. He has visited me more in San Diego than any other person and I look forward to every chance we get to meet up. The two of us recently partnered up on The Kiley Group ( giving us the chance to constantly stay in touch.

As if things weren't great enough already, Dan married the ever-enthusiastic Anna Kiley aka "Cynthia's Twin." The two are attached at the hip which makes hanging out even easier.

Dan and Anna just recently had a Rocky Mountain son, Travis. Check out Cynthia’s bride’s maids to learn more about her “twin” Anna and check out to see little Travis.

Dan Kiley e eu nos conhecemos na fraternidade na DePauw University. Ele e tres anos mais novo que eu mas mesmo assim nos mantivemos contato ate hoje. Com excesao do meu irmao John, Dan e a pessoa mais parecida comigo que eu conheco. Ele me visitou inumeras vezes em San Diego eu mal posso esperar a proxima vez em que nos poderemos nos reunir de novo. Recentemente nos iniciamos uma parceria chamada The Kiley Group ( o que nos da a oportunidade de sempre manter contato. Ele se casou com a sempre animada Anna Kiley e recentemente tiveram um filho, Travis. Confira as madrinhas da Cynthia para conhecer mais a respeito da Anna.

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Jana Olson

A Jana tem um lado meio vidente. Ela foi a primeira pessoa que me disse que eu iria me casar com o Steve... Detalhe, eu e o Steve nao estávamos nem namorando ainda!

Eu a conhecí através do trabalho – ela era minha chefe – mas nós nos tornamos grandes amigas! A Jana é uma pessoa muito alto-astral, que esta sempre disposta a ajudar ao próximo! Assim como eu ela ama viajar e conhecer novas pessoas!Ela nao pára quieta!

Agora ela mora em Nova Iorque e eu morro de saudades dela!

Jana is almost like a psychic. She was the first person that said that I would marry Steve… But at the time we were nor even dating yet!

I met her through work – she was my boss – but we became great friends! Jana is always in a great mood and she is always to help others! She has a really big heart!
Just like me she loves to travel and to meet new people! She never stops!

Now she lives in NY and I miss her a lot!

Moon Palace Cancun

Ryan "Crest" Schenck

Ryan Schenck aka "Schizzlo" aka "Crest" is the funniest person (unlike Jimmy he is intentionally funny) that I know. We met a few times at Indiana University when I was visiting Rich and Jeremy, but really got to know each other in San Diego.

He and I share the same sense of humor and were constantly seen sipping cold, draft beers at Moondoggies before he left for Florida. We were at the height of our game hanging out with Matty Salmonator, and John. I can't remember how many times John, Schenck, and I spent the day at the beach, came home and grilled 2-pound burgers, and then passed out with food comas for the next four hours. It truly impacted annual beer sales when Schenk, John, and Matty left me in San Diego.

Schenck was the first person that gave me the immediate thumbs up when I met Cynthia. He and I have talked each other through every relationship for the last five years and I’m glad my cousin, Jeremy, introduced us when I moved to San Diego. To this day we try to catch up on a weekly basis to give each other bad advice.

Ryan Schenck e a pessoa mais engracada que eu conheco. Nos nos encontramos algumas vezes na indiana University quando eu estava visitando meu irmao Rich e meu primo Jeremy, mas nos realmente nos conhecemos melhor em San Diego. Nos temos o mesmo tipo de senso de humor e eramos sempre vistos juntos bebendo cerveja no Moondoguies antes de ele ir embora para a Florida. Eu, Schenck, Matt e John estavamos sempre juntos. O fato de que os outros tres foram embora com certeza gerou um impacto enorme nas vendas de bebidas em San Diego. O Schenck foi a primeira pessoa que aprovou a Cynthia imediatamente logo depois que a gente se conheceu.

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Anna Kiley

No momento em que eu conhecí a Anna eu ví que ela era bem latina! Ela me deu uma abraço tao forte que me fez pensar “essa é das minhas!”

A Anna é esposa de um grande amigo do Steve, Dan Kiley, e nossa amizade existe por causa deles. Mas somente por causa de nós duas a nossa amizade se fortaleceu.

A Anna é calorosa, é animada! Ela demonstra sentimentos, ela sabe ser amiga. Sem contar que ela escreveu para mim o “Manual da boa esposa” com dicas do tipo “uma boa esposa sempre sabe o seu lugar!”. Anna, eu vou seguir as dicas à risca! Engraçadíssimo!

At the moment I met Anna I realized she was very Latina. She gave me a warm hug that made me think “she is one of mine”.

She is the wife of one of Steve’s great fiends, Dan Kiley, and our friendship happened because of them. But the reason it became stronger was because of me and her.

Anna is warm and fun! She shows her feelings and she knows how to be friend. And of course she wrote me “The Good Wife Guide” with tips like “a good wife always knows her place”. Anna, I’ll follow all the advices for sure! Hilarious!

Welcome to Cynthia and Steve's wedding website. More details will be available soon. You are invited to join us in Playa del Carmen, Mexico from February 17-24, 2009.
The wedding is on February 20, 2009. For Moon Palace reservations, please email or call 866.591.1204 and mention Presser Wedding.