Presser Ferreira Story
The Ferreira Presser Wedding
Talk to Steve and Cynthia
Presser Ferreira Wedding
The Wedding O Casamento

The Wedding | The Wedding Party | Registry

Moon Palace Cancun


The presence of our family and friends at our wedding is our most precious gift. Please do not feel obligated to send gifts and just plan on attending. 

For those who are stubborn, we are registered at the following places:

Because traveling is our favorite thing to do in this world, we are registered at where you can be a part of every piece of our trip to Greece. Very cool!

Crate and Barrel ( and Bed Bath and Beyond (

O Casamento | Padrinhos e Madrinhas | Lista de Presentes

Moon Palace Cancun 2

Lista de Presentes

O nosso maior presente será a presença de todos os nossos amigos e familiares. Por favor nao sintam-se obrigados a nos madar presentes, simplesmente planejem a sua viagem para dividir esse momento conosco em Playa del Carmen.

Todavia, para os nossos amigos teimosos nós estamos registrados online nos seguintes websites:

Como viajar é a nossa atividade favorita, nós estamos registrados no website:

Crate and Barrel ( e Bed Bath and Beyond (


Welcome to Cynthia and Steve's wedding website. More details will be available soon. You are invited to join us in Playa del Carmen, Mexico from February 17-24, 2009.
The wedding is on February 20, 2009. For Moon Palace reservations, please email or call 866.591.1204 and mention Presser Wedding.